Dr Caroline Frostick

Visiting Lecturer

Professional Biography

Caroline qualified as an integrative psychotherapist in 2014 and has a thriving private practice in South London. As well as teaching counselling and psychotherapy to MA level, she also develops and delivers training for health professionals. As a researcher, she has many years experience evaluating the design and implementation of complex mental health interventions.


  • Core supervision training (Centre for Supervision and Team Development)
  • EMDR training (UK and Europe, parts 1, 2 and 3)
  • University of East London  -  PhD by publications 
  • University of East London  -  MA Counselling & Psychotherapy (Distinction)

Past Employment

  • Psychotherapy private practice (ongoing)
  • Training delivery for health professionals in supporting behaviour change (ongoing)
  • Lecturer in counselling and psychotherapy at Regent's University (ongoing)
  • Research Associate, various projects (ongoing)
  • Research Fellow, Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London (2006-2020) (including teaching on MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy)


  • Bertotti, M., Frostick, C., Sharpe, D. and Temirov, O. (2020). A two-year evaluation of the Young People Social Prescribing (YPSP) pilot.
  • Frostick, C. (2021). Creating Space for Mental Wellbeing: Identifying and Applying Salutogenic Concepts From a Body of Work Representing Two Health Interventions (Doctoral dissertation, University of East London).
  • Frostick, C., & Bertotti, M. (2019). The frontline of social prescribing–How do we ensure Link Workers can work safely and effectively within primary care? 
  • Frostick, C. & Bertotti, M., 2019. Social prescribing in general practice. British Journal of General Practice (commissioned editorial).
  • Frostick, C., Tong, J., Moore, D., Renton, A., & Netuveli, G. (2018). The impact of academies on school connectedness, future aspirations and mental health in adolescents from areas of deprivation in London. Pastoral Care in Education, 36(4), 325-342. 
  • Bertotti, M., Frostick, C., Hutt, P., Sohanpal, R., & Carnes, D. (2018). A realist evaluation of social prescribing: an exploration into the context and mechanisms underpinning a pathway linking primary care with the voluntary sector. Primary health care research & development, 1-14.
  • Carnes, D., Sohanpal, R., Frostick, C., Hull, S., Mathur, R., Netuveli, G., ... & Bertotti, M. (2017). The impact of a social prescribing service on patients in primary care: a mixed methods evaluation. BMC health services research, 17(1), 835.
  • Frostick, C., Watts, P., Netuveli, G., Renton, A., & Moore, D. (2017). Well London: Results of a Community Engagement Approach to Improving Health Among Adolescents from Areas of Deprivation in London. Journal of Community Practice, 25(2), 235-252.
  • Frostick, C., Phillips, G., Renton, A., & Moore, D. (2016). The educational and employment   aspirations of adolescents from areas of high deprivation in London. Journal of youth and adolescence, 45(6), 1126-1140.

Research Interests

My primary research interest is the application of salutogenic principles to mental wellbeing, both at an individual therapeutic level, and in the development and implementation of health interventions.

Research Supervision

  • Supervising student MA dissertations in counselling and psychotherapy. 
  • Project managing the evaluation of complex health interventions.

Professional Affiliations

  • Accreditation with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
  • Founding steering group member of the National Social Prescribing Network

Teaching & course development

  • Development and delivery of skills training for social prescribing link workers and other health professionals (originally commissioned by NHS England).
  • Post-graduate teaching in counselling and psychotherapy (including lecturing, clinical and research supervision, skills training and group facilitation).