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Professional Biography
Eric is a dynamic, compassionate, and highly skilled professional with over 30 years of experience as a trainer, business and life coach, and management consultant across Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. As an accredited life coach and NLP practitioner, he specializes in personal effectiveness, leadership, sustainable development, and organizational health. Eric has served as a senior advisor to LIFE Academy in Sweden, delivering training and consultancy for advanced programs.
He holds a Master’s in International Business Administration (MIBA), a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), a Postgraduate Certificate in Relationship Marketing (PGCRM), and a PhD in Strategic Studies. His qualifications include certifications in alternative therapies and training as a facilitator in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, Mental Health Q48, Belbin, DISC, Celemi, mindfulness, CPD, and business strategy simulations.
Eric is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (CMgr.FCMI), a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management (FInstLM), and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). Currently, he is the Director (People), Chartered Fellow/Associate Professor of Management and Leadership Practice, and Course Director for CMI Level 7 dual-award programs at Regent's University.
Passionate about the Tao of Life, Eric is dedicated to awakening individuals to embrace their inner wisdom, empowering them to unlock their true potential. He is also a Self-Enrichment, Empowerment Discoveries (SEEDS) of Possibilities Practitioner and co-author of The Key to Coaching: Learning, Application, and Practice (2016) and The Key to Coaching: Unlocking Your Potential (2019).
- Business Model Canvas and Value Canvas Model practitioner certification,, December 2019
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), Regent’s University London, July 2017
- Certified Mindfulness Practitioner, Diploma in Mindfulness (Dip.M), International Association ofNLP & Coaching and International Alliance of Holistic Therapists, Centre of Excellence 2017
- Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGHCE) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), Regent’s University London, July 2017
- Accredited trainer/facilitator Continuous Professional Development Standards Office, (CPDSO) UK, 2018
- Mental Toughness MTQ48 certified facilitator (FMTQ48), AQR, UK, 2016
- DISC certified facilitator, Coaching Academy (FDISC), UK, 2015
- CELEMI Apples and Oranges and Medici Effect facilitator certification (FCelemi), Celemi Sweden,2014
- Trained/Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY ® facilitator certification (FLegoSP), Trivium Denmark,2014
- Certified Train the Trainer Practitioner, Activia UK with Institute of Leadership and Management, 2013
- PDR Trained Facilitator, Regent’s University London, 2013
- Certified NLP Practitioner, NLP Society, UK. 2010
- Certified Executive Coach, Institute of Leadership and Management, UK, 2010
- PhD in Strategic Studies, Canterbury University, 2009
- Certified Life Coach Practitioner, International Coaching Alliance, UK, 2009
- Certified Belbin Facilitator, Belbin, UK, 2009
- Certified Instructor of Business and Strategy Simulations – Management Simulations Capstone Training USA, 2008
- Certified Life Academy Trainer – _Advanced International ICT Management & Sustainable Development LIFE Academy, Sweden, 2007
Relevant Past Employment
- October 2021 – present, Director of People, Chartered Fellow and Associate Professor, Regent’s University London and Course Director of Chartered Management Institute, dual accreditation PG programmes.
- January 2021 – October 2021, Chartered Fellow and Assistant Professor Leadership and Management/Course Leader MA Management with pathways/Life/Relationship Coach, Regent’s University London.
- March 2020 – December 2020, Head of Programme MA Management with pathways/Life & Relationship Coach, Regent’s University London
- July 2017 - present, Programme Director/Centre Manager, Chartered Management Institute for dual accreditation PG programmes, Business and Management Faculty, Life/Relationship Coach, Regent’s University London.
- June 2016 – March 2020, Chartered Fellow and Principal Lecturer - Leadership and Management, Business and Management Faculty, Regent’s University London
- 2010 – 2011, External Academic Advisor, East Midlands School of Business and Management, UK
- 2009 – June 2016, Programme Director, MA Global Management with pathways and Principal Lecturer – Leadership and Management, Business and Management Faculty, Regent’s University London / Regent’s College London
- AZAM, A., and CHAN, Eric C.K. (2019), The Key to Coaching: Unlocking your coaching potential, April 2019
- AZAM, A., and CHAN, Eric C.K. (2016), The Key to Coaching: Learning, application and Practice, 28 January 2016.
Other Outputs
Consultancy and training
A selective range of international organisational, business consultancy and training programmes across industry and sectors:
- Assessing and Developing Knowledge-value across Organisations
- Belbin and I
- Building learning and creative cultures in organisations
- Business Canvas Model and Lego Serious Play Methodology
- Coaching and mentoring for senior executives and managers
- Coaching for management and leadership
- Community and lifelong learning
- Core identity through the Lego Serious Play Methodology
- Cross cultural management and leadership
- DISC and I
- Discovering the brand called you
- Discovering your purpose
- Finding your personal values
- Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
- Followship, Leadership and Teams
- Goal Setting
- Leadership from Within
- Learning and Development through simulations / experiential technique
- Mental Toughness
- Mindfulness
- Myers Briggs Type Indicators and I
- Organisational health
- Personal Empowerment
- Strategy Analysis with Lego Serious Play Methodology
- Thinking your way to success
- Unleashing your true potential
- Values education
- Vision and mission discoveries programme
- Youth leadership development
Conference Papers Given
- CHAN Eric and Ali, A. (2017), ‘Applying accredited CPD themed workshops within Regent’s University London co-curricular Masters Programme.’ Poster display, Association of Business School, Conference, Bristol, 25 and 26 April 2017
- SADOWSKA, N. MANGION, K. and CHAN, Eric, (2015), ‘Gender in Academia using the LEGO Serious Play Methodology for discussion and brainstorming’. Staff Conference, Regent’s University London, 3 July 2015
- CHAN, Eric, HEDLEY, B. (2014). 'Innovative blended classroom/online assessment and development of employability skills; using a research based experiential learning simulation approach' – Association of Business School National Conference, 30 April 2014, Birmingham, UK.
- CHAN, Eric and ALI, A. (2013), ‘Soft skills and experiential learning for HE’, Postgraduate Certificate in the Delivery of Soft Skills and Experiential Learning February 2013. Roehampton University.
- CHAN, Eric, (2013) ‘Leadership and Teams Effectiveness - Global Workshop for International Youth Leaders’. Institute of Management and Leadership. May 2013, Malaysia.
- CHAN, Eric (2011), ‘Teams diversity in a multi-cultural context for HE’, March 2011, Regent’s College.
Research Supervision
- PG Supervisions - Dissertations
- PG capstones/major projects - Business consultancy projects and business start up projects in the areas of Management, Leadership, and Luxury Brand Management
Research Interests
Management, leadership, self-regulation, innovation, storytelling, mindfulness, organisational health, simulation games, creative thinking, experiential learning, coaching, leadership, positive thinking, the art of play for learning and development, entrepreneur, business start-up, unlocking potential, people development, the art of choosing, the fragility of choice, teams development, using/adapting Lego Serious Play Methodology with a combination of other models and frameworks for creative learning through metaphors e.g. Business Canvas, Exploring Strategy (Strategic position, choice and action) and the Situation analysis, objectives, strategy, tactics, actions, control (SOSTAC) models. In addition, developing/creating/facilitating applied leadership/teams task and games/simulated challenges.
Professional Affiliation(s)/Accreditation
- Maison Polymath, Advisor, UK
- Hive Learn College, Advisory Board Member, UK
- International board member advisor for the Centre for Strategy and Human Capital Research - National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
- Senior Advisor – Centre for Sustainable Development Studies, UK
- Senior Academic Advisor Opportunity China UK
- Senior member - Pearson International Digital Advisory Committee (iDAC)
- Practitioner member – Lego Serious Play methodology
- Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, United Kingdom (CMgr. FCMI)
- Fellow of Institute of Leadership and Management, United Kingdom (FInstLM)
- Life fellow member and advisor of the Life International Foundation for Ecology, Sweden (FLIFE)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Member of International Alliance of Holistic Therapist (MIAHT)
- Faculty facilitator – Leadership and Teams (Patrick Lencioni (Five dysfunctions of a team) and Kouzes and Posner Leadership Challenge
- Affiliate trainer/consultant London Training Education and Consultancy
- Accredited Facilitator/trainer Continuous Professional Development Standard Office (CPDSO), UK
- Accredited Facilitator LEGO Serious Play Methodology, Denmark
- Accredited Facilitator CELEMI Solutions, Sweden
- Accredited Facilitator Belbin Team Roles, UK
- Accredited Facilitator for Mental Toughness MTQ48, AQR, UK
- Accredited Mindfulness practitioner, Centre of Excellence, UK
- Accredited Facilitator CESIM Global Challenge, Finland
- Academic trainer/facilitator - Learning Dynamics Ltd – Simulations for learning and development
- Academic trainer/facilitator - Pearson Education Services Ltd – Strategy simulations for learning and development
Teaching & Course Development
- UG/PG Regent's Leadership Residential Challenge (2024)
- Individual intelligence and teams (UG/PG/Staff) – accredited workshop
- Brand Called you (PG) – CPD standards office – accredited workshop
- Brand Identity (UG)
- Business and Life Essential Skills (PG)
- Business Project (PG)
- Business Research Project (PG)
- Business Start Up (PG)
- CESIM Simulations (PG/UG)
- Coaching (PG)
- Consultancy Projects (PG)
- Creative Intelligence with the Lego Serious Play Methodology(PG) – CPD standards office – accredited workshop
- Developing Tomorrow Global Leaders (UG)
- Dissertation Project (PG)
- Global Management Simulation (PG)
- Leadership from Within (PG)
- Leadership and Teambuilding outbound programme (UG)
- Management and Leadership Effectiveness in the Global Environment (PG)
- Management, Leadership and Teams outbound programme (PG)
- Managing Complexity (PG and PG Certificate)
- Mental Toughness (PG) – CPD standards office – accredited workshop
- Mentor and Business / Strategy Coach for teams and individuals (UG/PG)
- MyStrategy Experience (PG)
- Personal and Professional Development (PG)
- Strategic Management (UG)
- Strategic Management of a Luxury Business (PG)
- Strategy and Decision Making (PG)
Programme / course development
- PG Cert. International Business and Finance (2017) – Managing Complexity module
- MA Management (2015)
- MA Global Management (2012)
- Managing Complexity (2015)
- Global Management Simulation (2012) (MA)
- Coaching (2015) (MA)
- Mindfulness (2012) (MA)
- Leadership and Teambuilding outbound programme (2013) (BA)
External Examiner - 2018 – 2020
- Oxford Brookes University, UK and International Business School, Budapest – Joint programmes for the following
- IB14 BA (Hons) in Arts Management
- IB15 BA (Hons) Business Studies
External Examiner - 2014 - present
- Oxford Brookes University, UK and Nilai University Malaysia – Joint programmes for the following
- NL17 BA (Hons) Business Administration
- NL18 BA (Hons) Business and Finance
- NL19 BA (Hons) Business and Management
- NL20 BA (Hons) Business and Marketing
- NL22 BA (Hons) Human Resource Management
- NL23 BA (Hons) International Business
- Projects Examiner 2016 - present
- MA Management and MA Luxury Brand Management – Viva examiner for Business Start-ups and Business Projects, Chartered Management Institute – Center examiner/moderator Level 7 Dual awards programmes